Do your hips feel stuck? Here’s what could be going on

Do your hips feel stuck? Here’s what could be going on

If your hips feel stuck, it can be for a variety of reasons. Hips that feel stiff and immobile could be related to a degenerative condition such as arthritis, while the underlying cause could also be related to a hip impingement or hip dislocation if there is also...
Hip arthritis treatment — why physical therapy?

Hip arthritis treatment — why physical therapy?

Since it is so closely related to the natural aging process, arthritis of the hip is not a curable or reversible condition. This makes the primary goal of hip arthritis treatment managing symptoms and maintaining quality of life. With the main symptoms being aches,...
Arthritis in the hip — three symptoms to watch out for

Arthritis in the hip — three symptoms to watch out for

Arthritis in the hip — three symptoms to watch out for As we all get older, aches and pains start to become more common. There are a number of causes for this, but in general, one of the biggest is that our bodies begin to dry out. In our joints, this means that the...
HEP, HEP, Hooray

HEP, HEP, Hooray

Why your HEP is important Your home exercise program (HEP) is a custom curated program that is meant to be an extension of your rehabilitation process, outside of our outpatient setting. It is a crucial part of your recovery, and here is why. “Why do I have to do...
Hip pain treatment at home

Hip pain treatment at home

There is no one-size-fits-all reason for hip pain. You might have arthritis, a muscle or tendon strain, tendonitis, or had a fracture, among other causes. Functional hips are essential for performing everyday tasks. If you suffer from hip pain, you know that sitting,...
Hip pain treatment without surgery

Hip pain treatment without surgery

For patients who suffer from chronic hip pain, finding effective treatment is essential to maintaining their quality of life. Surgery is often the last resort to prove relief from hip pain. With the inherent risk of any surgery, many patients will seek to delay going...

Wrist Pain

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