4 causes of sore front neck muscles

4 causes of sore front neck muscles

Typically, if you have pain around the front of your neck, you may assume it’s caused by a sore throat. While this is one possible condition that can cause your front neck muscles to be sore, if your pain is not accompanied with other cold or flu symptoms and instead...
Can balance training for seniors help you?

Can balance training for seniors help you?

For seniors, falls and associated issues like fractures can have a devastating impact on independence and quality of life. One of the biggest risk factors for falls is a general lack of balance and stability. Whether walking, standing or moving from one position to...
Can you get arthritis in the elbow?

Can you get arthritis in the elbow?

Arthritis, most commonly in the form of osteoarthritis, is an age-related condition that causes inflammation of the joints. This is due to increased bone-on-bone contact related to the drying out and breaking down of the protective layer of cartilage that allows for...

Wrist Pain

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